Lemon water boosts metabolism, support hydration and somehow aids in weight loss. Lemon water is a tasty low-calorie replacement for high-calorie beverages. We have few of our members who shared their lemon water weight loss success stories to us. But before we start, we recommend you to go through our previous post about benefits of lemon water.

Inside this article (Quick Summary)

Does lemon water help in weight loss?

You must be determined to lose weight and change your daily eating habits. While lemon water only cannot be taken as primary source to lose weight but adding it to daily diet is a great way to cut off calories from your diet.

Lemon Water6 calories
Orange Juice110 calories
Soda water bottle180 calories

                                                                                                                                                       (Source: Nutrition data)

Just replace a cup of orange water or soda water to lemon water; we will soon get another lemon water weight loss success stories from your side.

Lemon water weight loss success stories

Weight loss has always been challenging to people all over the world. It crucial for anyone to look about their eating habits in order to lose some extra fat. There is not any scientific evidence that lemon  water will help in weight loss. But do not get disappointed yet, our incredible MyFitness7 members shared their story in order to inspire everyone like you. Before we share story let’s quickly have a look on potential benefits of lemon water.

lemon water weight loss success stories

Lemon Water is low in calories

Lemon water is the best replacement to all those high calories fizzy beverages. Each glass of lemon water only contains just six calories. (Source: Nutrition Data) For this reason you should swap your habit from fizzy drinks to lemon. Let’s just take an example; a cup of processed orange juice contains 110 calories, and a bottle of soda contains 182 calories. Replace one of these drinks with lemon today and you can share your own lemon juice weight loss success stories.

Lemon water keeps you hydrated

Water alone is a great source to keep your body hydrated but water is not always tasty by itself. Add lemon to it, boom its tasty to drink now. Some evidence suggests that staying hydrated can aid in weight loss and researches conducted also shown staying hydrated promotes fats breakdown and enhances fat loss.

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C

Lemons and other citric fruits are rich in Vitamin C. While Vitamin C has primary role as an immune system booster and source of energy, but some researches also proved that it aids to weight loss.

Here are some of the short and sweet lemon water weight loss success stories:

Lemon Water Success Story 1

“Sabbu” (A MyFitness7 premium user) shared her lemon water weight loss success stories to MyFitness7. She weighed 390 pound in February 2019 and said she was shocked by the number.

“It was way too more than what I though and I was shocked.” “I was completely mad at myself and it use to hit me always.” “I used to talk to myself that you got to do something.”

“At first I decided on gastric bypass surgery and had to lose some weight ahead of the procedure. In my first two months by having a proper diet plan and some workout, I was able to lose 40 pounds.” “The key thing is I avoided all the fizzy drinks and switched to lemon water instead of orange juice.” “Following the same pattern, I was able to lose another 50 pounds by June, a total of 90 pounds in just 4 months.”

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She told us “it’s not the lemon water that helped her; its my determination that helped me.” “My initial weight loss plan started with exercising (just walking) which later changed into work out. Also, in initial phase I changed my habit of drinking fizzy drinks to lemon water and high cal. Food to low cal. Food.” “I am not recommending lemon water as a primary weight loss tip, but it did some how gave me a side kick in my journey.

Lemon water success story 2

XYZ( name hidden due to privacy concern) is also a new MyFitness7 user who shared his previous experience about weight loss journey to us.

“I weighed about 342 pounds in December and in just 4 months I was able to cuts 58 pound off. All thanks to my hard work.”

“I am more grounded than I was at any point thought I was. I never had any certainty and now I perceive how far I have come. I can run. I can do burpees. I can do push-ups. I can do boards.”

After December things changed for him. Weighing 342 pounds, he decided to try dieting. He closely looked into his calories consumptions and was able to reduce significant amount by just making few changes like lemon water over orange juice.

“I was so sad and was trying to take it as a big deal. But later I realized it was all due to my laziness and my unhealthy choices.”

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He cut out fast food, soda and started dieting followed by daily 2 mile walk around the city every morning. He never really worked out hard but all he did was just making a healthier choice.

These are some of the short stories from our members at MyFitness7 Premium. Join MyFitness7 Premium for free today to continue your fitness journey. We will provide you all required blogs, eBooks, videos and other handy tips and tool to help you with your fitness journey.

After reading these two short lemon water weight loss success stories tell us your excuse to not lose weight. We will appreciate if you leave a comment below. All you need is to make a healthier choice, determined mindset and some amount of regular work out to lose extra fat from your body.

Everyone wants to either lose weight or build muscle. Losing weight or building muscle is not overnight task. You must be determined and follow all the expert’s advice. While lemon water is not a primary idea to loose weight but having a glass of lemon water instead of other drinks is a great way to cut off calories from your body.

Lemon water is almost like regular water when it comes to weight loss. But it can be a great way to cut off calories from your diet as it is tasty and easy to make. Read inspiration story from Rachel Maddow’s Weight Loss journey.

Key Take Away from Lemon Water Weight Loss Success Stories:

  • Lemon is a great way to cut off calories from your diet as a glass of lemon water only contains 6 calories of energy.
  • Replacing lemon water over fizzy drinks will reduce your daily calories intake by 200 calories.
  • Lemon water contains some f calories which promote weight loss.
  • Drinking lemon water when you are on diet can help you reduce weight faster.
  • However, lemon water must not be taken as primary idea to loose weight, you need to work out and focus on your diet plan too.

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